Whether you prefer to scroll screen shots with written directions, watch a video, listen to one, or view captions on a video... I've got you covered! Ready to learn to create Instagram Reels using Canva?
In Canva, go to the search bar in the top right of your screen and search "Instagram Reel Video."
Choose one of the templates, or "Create a blank Instagram Reels Video."
Click your new document to select it, then click the color wheel to change the background color.
On the left side of your screen, choose "Uploads," then "Upload Media," to add photos, videos, or audio.
Drag your media to your document.
Adjust the size of your photo by dragging on any of the corners.
Add text by clicking the "Text" icon to the left of your screen, and choosing an option from the menu.
Edit the font, color, size, and other aspects of your text with the tool bar at the top of your screen.
Add any graphics you might want by clicking "Graphics" on the left side of your screen, searching what you want, and then dragging them to your document.
Keep everything inside the pink guides that pop up as you move things around to make sure nothing gets cropped when people view your reel.
Add more slides to your reel by clicking the "Add Page" icon in the bottom left of your screen.
Change the length of each slide by clicking the timer icon in the top left of your screen. Reminder that reels can only be up to 30 seconds long!
Watch the reel you've made by clicking the play button at the top right of your screen.
When you're done and ready to save, click "Share" in the top right of your screen, and then choose "Download."
And now you're ready to share your reel!
✅ You can also download a FREE copy of my 'Success Capture System' for goal planning (and keeping)!
🛒 Get Canva here: https://partner.canva.com/5ee9n Note: The link to Canva is an affiliate link. If you decide to buy the Pro version and you use my link I may receive a small commission. If you use the free version I will not-- either way, I encourage you to use the version that works best for your needs!
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